Adan: ADAptive Nesterov Momentum Optimizer

With fastai native, fused ForEach, and fused TorchScript implementations

Adan was introduced by Xie et al in Adan: Adaptive Nesterov Momentum Algorithm for Faster Optimizing Deep Models. Adan uses a efficient Nesterov momentum estimation method to avoid the extra computation and memory overhead of calculating the extrapolation point gradient.

Nadam also estimates Nesterov momentum, but in contrast it only estimates the first-order gradient moment while Adan estimates both first- and second-order movements.

For consistency with other fastai optimizers, the coefficients beta1, beta2, and beta3 have been inversed from the paper values, e.g. β1=0.98 instead of β1=0.02.


This implementation of Adan does not contain the restart condition, as it is mostly unused in the paper.

In addition to a fastai native implementation, Adan has fused ForEach and Torchscript implementations. See the Fused Optimizer documentation for more details.



 Adan (params:Union[torch.Tensor,Iterable[torch.Tensor],MutableSequence[to
       lr:float, beta1:float=0.98, beta2:float=0.92, beta3:float=0.99,
       eps:float=1e-08, wd:float=0.02, paper_init:bool=False,
       foreach:bool=False, jit:bool=False)

A fastai Adan optimizer with optional ForEach and TorchScript implementations

Type Default Details
params Listified[Tensor] Model parameters or parameter groups
lr float Default learning rate
beta1 float 0.98 Gradient moving average (β1) coefficient
beta2 float 0.92 Gradient difference moving average (β2) coefficient
beta3 float 0.99 Gradient squared moving average (β3) coefficient
eps float 1e-08 Added for numerical stability
wd float 0.02 True weight decay
paper_init bool False Initialize prior gradient with current gradient per paper, or zeroes
foreach bool False Use fused ForEach implementation
jit bool False Use fused TorchScript implementation
Returns Optimizer | AdanForEachOptimizer | JitOptimizer



 adan (beta1:float=0.98, beta2:float=0.92, beta3:float=0.99,
       eps:float=1e-08, wd:float=0.02, paper_init:bool=False,
       foreach:bool=False, jit:bool=False)

Partial function for the Adan optimizer with fused ForEach and TorchScript implementations

Type Default Details
beta1 float 0.98 Gradient moving average (β1) coefficient
beta2 float 0.92 Gradient difference moving average (β2) coefficient
beta3 float 0.99 Gradient squared moving average (β3) coefficient
eps float 1e-08 Added for numerical stability
wd float 0.02 True weight decay
paper_init bool False Initialize prior gradient with current gradient per paper, or zeroes
foreach bool False Use fused ForEach implementation
jit bool False Use fused TorchScript implementation
Returns Optimizer | AdanForEachOptimizer | JitOptimizer



 AdanLargeBatchLR (bs:int)

Square root rule for scaling Adan learning rate for large-batch training


Hyperparameter notes from Xie et al:

  1. beta2 is the least sensitive Adan hyperparameter, default of 0.92 works for majority of tasks
  2. Xie et al primarily tune beta3 (between 0.9-0.999) before beta1 (between 0.9-0.98) for different tasks
  3. Adan pairs well with large learning rates. Paper and GitHub report up to 3x larger than Lamb and up to 5-10x larger than AdamW
  4. Xie et al use the default weight decay of 0.02 for all tasks except fine-tuning BERT (wd=0.01) and reinforcement learning (wd=0)

With paper_init=True, fastxtend’s Adan matches Xie et al’s Adan implementation.

Training Speed


ForEach and TorchScript optimizers have only been tested on PyTorch 1.12+ and are not guaranteed to work on older versions.

One critique of Adan is the original PyTorch implementation was significantly slower than AdamW. Between 41 to 97 percent slower on tested models. However, Xie et al’s implementation has been refactored to decrease memory usage and Cuda operations. These improvements have been ported to the fastxtend versions. This improved Adan implementation is benchmarked in Table 2 below.

As shown in Table 1, fastxtend’s fused ForEach Adan is 36 to 401 percent faster1 then a standard PyTorch implementation.

Table 1: Increase in Adan opt_step Speed vs Native Optimizer
Model Layers Native Step ForEach Step ForEach Speedup JIT Step JIT Speedup
XResNet18 1 31ms 13ms 150% 27ms 18%
XResNet50 1 69ms 33ms 108% 56ms 24%
XSE-ResNeXt50 1 94ms 45ms 110% 75ms 25%
XResNet101 1 115ms 46ms 148% 89ms 29%
ConvNeXt Tiny 2 139ms 102ms 36% 124ms 11%
ConvNeXt Small 2 225ms 162ms 39% 198ms 13%
ViT Patch16 Small 2 76ms 46ms 65% 62ms 21%
DeBERTa Base 1 42ms 8.4ms 401% 28ms 46%

Now the Adan ForEach steps are only 1.6 to 17 percent slower than the AdamW ForEach steps, and the difference in performance and as a percentage of total training time is significantly smaller. An Adan ForEach step is 0.6ms to 4ms slower than an AdamW ForEach step across measured models, instead of 6ms to 29ms with Adan native as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: AdamW vs Adan Training Speed

(a) Native Implementation
Model AdamW Step Adan Step Slowdown
XResNet18 25ms 31ms 27%
XResNet50 53ms 69ms 28%
XSE-ResNeXt50 71ms 94ms 35%
XResNet101 85ms 115ms 33%
ConvNeXt Tiny 124ms 139ms 12%
ConvNeXt Small 196ms 225ms 15%
ViT Patch16 Small 63ms 76ms 20%
DeBERTa Base 26ms 42ms 62%
(b) Fused ForEach Implementation
Model AdamW Step Adan Step Slowdown
XResNet18 13ms 13ms 5.0%
XResNet50 31ms 33ms 2.3%
XSE-ResNeXt50 43ms 45ms 5.9%
XResNet101 43ms 46ms 8.4%
ConvNeXt Tiny 100ms 102ms 1.6%
ConvNeXt Small 159ms 162ms 1.6%
ViT Patch16 Small 44ms 46ms 2.9%
DeBERTa Base 7.2ms 8.4ms 17%


  1. Benchmarked on a GeForce 3080 Ti using PyTorch 1.13.1, Cuda 11.7, Mixed Precision, Channels Last (except DeBERTa and ViT), and fastxtend’s Simple Profiler Callback. Results may differ on other models, hardware, and across benchmarking runs. Speedup and slowdown are calculated from the total time spent on the optimization step.↩︎