FFCV Transforms

Image transformations for the fastxtend Loader

fastxtend provides multiple FFCV transforms, including existing FFCV transforms with harmonized arguments, fastai transforms implemented as FFCV transforms, and additional FFCV transforms.

By default, these transforms are imported under ft if using from fastxtend.ffcv.all import *.

FFCV Transforms Reference

These FFCV Transforms have had their initialization arguments harmonized and are otherwise identical to their FFCV counterparts. You can find the original versions and documentation at the FFCV API Reference.


 RandomResizedCrop (scale:Tuple[float,float], ratio:Tuple[float,float],

Crop a random portion of image with random aspect ratio and resize it to a given size. Chances are you do not want to use this augmentation and instead want to include RRC as part of the decoder, by using the :cla:~ffcv.fields.rgb_image.ResizedCropRGBImageDecoder class.

Type Details
scale typing.Tuple[float, float] Lower and upper bounds for the ratio of random area of the crop.
ratio typing.Tuple[float, float] Lower and upper bounds for random aspect ratio of the crop.
size int Side length of the output.

While you can use RandomResizedCrop by itself, it’s probably better to use RandomResizedCropRGBImageDecoder which integrates the transform with image loading.



 RandomHorizontalFlip (prob:float=0.5)

Flip the image horizontally with probability prob. Operates on raw arrays (not tensors).

Type Default Details
prob float 0.5 The probability with which to flip each image in the batch horizontally.


 Cutout (crop_size:int, fill:Tuple[int,int,int]=(0, 0, 0))

Cutout data augmentation (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04552).

Type Default Details
crop_size int Size of the random square to cut out.
fill typing.Tuple[int, int, int] (0, 0, 0) An RGB color ((0, 0, 0) by default) to fill the cutout square with.
Useful for when a normalization layer follows cutout, in which case
you can set the fill such that the square is zero



 Translate (padding:int, fill:Tuple[int,int,int]=(0, 0, 0))

Translate each image randomly in vertical and horizontal directions up to specified number of pixels.

Type Default Details
padding int Max number of pixels to translate in any direction.
fill Tuple[int, int, int] (0, 0, 0) An RGB color ((0, 0, 0) by default) to fill the area outside the shifted image.

fastxend’s Translate is FFCV’s RandomTranslate renamed, as it applies to all images in batch and not a random subset.

fastxtend’s RandomTranslate applies a random translatation to a random subset of images in a batch.


 Poison (mask:numpy.ndarray, alpha:numpy.ndarray, indices, clamp=(0, 255))

Poison specified images by adding a mask with given opacity. Operates on raw arrays (not tensors).

Type Default Details
mask ndarray The mask to apply to each image.
alpha ndarray
indices Sequence[int] The indices of images that should have the mask applied.
clamp tuple (0, 255) Clamps the final pixel values between these two values (default: (0, 255)).


 ReplaceLabel (indices, new_label:int)

Replace label of specified images.

Type Details
indices Sequence[int] The indices of images to relabel.
new_label int The new label to assign.


 Squeeze (*dims)

Remove given dimensions of input of size 1. Operates on tensors.

Color Transforms

These color transforms support both fastai-style logit space color transforms and TorchVision blending based color transforms.


Defaults for these transforms are for the fastai-style implementations.

Except for RandomHue1, these transforms use the slightly slower fastai implementations. Users should test the fastai FFCV, TorchVision FFCV, and fastai batch transforms to determine which are most performant.

These transforms are also compatible with FFCV.



 RandomBrightness (prob:float=0.75, max_lighting:float=0.2,

Randomly adjust image brightness. Supports both TorchVision and fastai style brightness transforms.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.75 Probability of changing brightness
max_lighting float 0.2 Maximum brightness change. Randomly choose factor on [0.5(1-magnitude), 0.5(1+magnitude)], or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
fastai bool True fastai-style transform or TorchVision. Defaults to fastai.



 RandomContrast (prob:float=0.75, max_lighting:float=0.2,

Randomly adjust image contrast. Supports both TorchVision and fastai style contrast transforms.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.75 Probability of changing contrast
max_lighting float 0.2 Maximum contrast change. Randomly choose factor on [1-max_lighting, 1/(1-max_lighting)] in log space, or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
fastai bool True fastai-style transform or TorchVision. Defaults to fastai.



 RandomSaturation (prob:float=0.75, max_lighting:float=0.2,

Randomly adjust image saturation. Supports both TorchVision and fastai style saturation transforms.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.75 Probability of changing saturation
max_lighting float 0.2 Maximum saturation change. Randomly choose factor on [1-max_lighting, 1/(1-max_lighting)] in log space, or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
fastai bool True fastai-style transform or TorchVision. Defaults to fastai.



 RandomLighting (prob:float=0.75, max_lighting:float=0.2,
                 prob_saturation:float|None=None, fastai:bool=False)

Randomly adjust image brightness, contrast, and saturation. Combines all three into single transform for speed. Supports both TorchVision and fastai style lighting transforms.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.75 Default probability of changing brightness, contrast, and saturation. Individual probability overrides this value.
max_lighting float 0.2 Default maximum lighting change. Individual lighting overrides this value. See max_brightness, max_contrast, and max_saturation for details.
max_brightness float | None None Maximum brightness change. Randomly choose factor on [0.5(1-magnitude), 0.5(1+magnitude)], or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
max_contrast float | None None Maximum contrast change. Randomly choose factor on [1-max_lighting, 1/(1-max_lighting)] in log space, or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
max_saturation float | None None Maximum saturation change. Randomly choose factor on [1-max_lighting, 1/(1-max_lighting)] in log space, or [max(0, 1-magnitude), 1+magnitude] if fastai=False.
prob_brightness float | None None Individual probability of changing brightness. Set to override prob.
prob_contrast float | None None Individual probability of changing contrast. Set to override prob.
prob_saturation float | None None Individual probability of changing saturation. Set to override prob.
fastai bool False fastai-style transform or TorchVision. Defaults to fastai.



 RandomHue (prob:float=0.75, max_hue:float=0.1, fastai:bool=True)

Randomly adjust image Hue. Supports both TorchVision and fastai style contrast transforms.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.75 Probability of changing hue
max_hue float 0.1 Maximum hue change. Randomly choose factor on [1-max_hue, 1/(1-max_hue)] in log space, or [-magnitude, magnitude] clipped to [-0.5, 0.5] if fastai=False.
fastai bool True If True applies the slower, fastai-style transform. Defaults to TorchVision

Unlike the other color transformations, RandomHue uses the same implementation for both fastai and TorchVision versions, so performance should be the same. The only difference is the max_hue selection.

Additional FFCV Transforms

Contains both transforms which pending acceptance and/or release for the next version of FFCV2 and fastxtend FFCV transforms.

Both are useable in fastxtend and FFCV.


Randomly convert images to grayscale, using one of Luma601, Luma709, Average, or random per image choice of all three.



 GrayscaleType (value, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None,

Grayscale Types for RandomGrayscale for typo-proof and autocompletion



 RandomGrayscale (prob:float=0.1,
                  grayscale:GrayscaleType=<GrayscaleType.Random: 3>)

Random grayscale conversion augmentation.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.1 Probability of applying on each image.
grayscale GrayscaleType GrayscaleType.Random



 RandomChannelDrop (prob:float=0.1)

Randomly replace image channel with random value.

Type Default Details
prob float 0.1 Probability of applying on each image.



 RandomCutout (prob:float, crop_size:int, fill:Tuple[int,int,int]=(0, 0,

Random cutout data augmentation (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04552).

Type Default Details
prob float Probability of applying on each image.
crop_size int Size of the random square to cut out.
fill Tuple[int, int, int] (0, 0, 0) An RGB color ((0, 0, 0) by default) to fill the cutout square with.
Useful for when a normalization layer follows cutout, in which case
you can set the fill such that the square is zero post-normalization.



 RandomTranslate (prob:float, padding:int, fill:Tuple[int,int,int]=(0, 0,

Translate each image randomly in vertical and horizontal directions up to specified number of pixels.

Type Default Details
prob float Probability of applying on each image.
padding int Max number of pixels to translate in any direction.
fill Tuple[int, int, int] (0, 0, 0) An RGB color ((0, 0, 0) by default) to fill the area outside the shifted image.

Unlike FFCV’s RandomTranslate, which applies a random translatation to all images in a batch, fastxtend’s RandomTranslate randomly applies a random translatation to a subset of images in a batch with probability prob.



 RandomErasing (prob:float=0.25, min_area:float=0.02, max_area:float=0.3,
                min_aspect:float=0.3, max_count:int=1,
                fill_mean:Tuple[int,int,int]=(124, 116, 103),
                fill_std:Tuple[int,int,int]=(58, 57, 57),

Random erasing data augmentation (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04896).

Type Default Details
prob float 0.25 Probability of applying on each image.
min_area float 0.02 Minimum erased area as percentage of image size.
max_area float 0.3 Maximum erased area as percentage of image size.
min_aspect float 0.3 Minimum aspect ratio of erased area.
max_count int 1 Maximum number of erased blocks per image. Erased Area is scaled by max_count.
fill_mean Tuple[int, int, int] (124, 116, 103) The RGB color mean (ImageNet’s (124, 116, 103) by default) to randomly fill the
erased area with. Should be the mean of dataset or pretrained dataset.
fill_std Tuple[int, int, int] (58, 57, 57) The RGB color standard deviation (ImageNet’s (58, 57, 57) by default) to randomly
fill the erased area with. Should be the st. dev of dataset or pretrained dataset.
fast_fill bool True Default of True is ~2X faster by generating noise once per batch and randomly
selecting slices of the noise instead of generating unique noise per each image.

The implementation for RandomErasing was inspired by fastai.vision.augment.RandomErasing.


  1. Unlike the other color transformations, RandomHue uses the same implementation for both fastai and TorchVision versions, so performance should be the same. The only difference is the max_hue selection.↩︎

  2. If accepted, these will be converted to a documentation reference.↩︎