Getting Started with fastxtend Callbacks

An overview of callbacks in fastxtend

As an extensions library for fastai, fastxend contains multiple types of callbacks. This guide will briefly go over all types of callbacks in fastxtend. Every callback in this guide will link to the full callback documentation.

  1. New and replacement callbacks
  2. Task specific callbacks
  3. Modification callbacks
  4. Utility callbacks
  5. Feature porting callbacks

New and Replacement Callbacks

The first type of callback in fastxtend are new and replacement callbacks. These callbacks either add new features to fastai or augment existing fastai functionality but are fully backwards compatible. These callbacks are imported via task specific all imports such as or fastxtend.text.all.

New Callbacks:

Replacement Callbacks:

Task Specific Callbacks

These callbacks are only imported with task specific imports.

Vision callbacks imported from

Text callbacks imported from fastxend.text.all:

Audio callbacks imported from fastxtend.auido.all:

Modification Callbacks

These callbacks modify either existing fastai functionality or change the fastai defaults and must be imported separately.

Utility Callbacks

These callbacks add tools for developing other callbacks. - LogDispatch - CallbackScheduler

Feature Porting Callbacks

These callbacks backport current fastai features to older versions of fastai. These callbacks started out as fastxtend callbacks and then were upstreamed into fastai. If you are using the latest version of fastai you will be using the fastai versions of these callbacks.